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7 articles from EurekAlert

A theoretical boost to nano-scale devices

Researchers with the School of Electrical Engineering at KAIST have developed a new approach to the underlying physics of semiconductors. They calculated the quasi-Fermi levels in molecular junctions applying an initio approach.

Chinese to rise as a global language

With the continuing rise of China as a global economic and trading power, there is no barrier to prevent Chinese from becoming a global language like English, according to Flinders University academic Dr Jeffrey Gil.Dr Gil's paper challenges arguments that suggest Chinese faces insurmountable hurdles to become a commonly used international language due to the complexity of Chinese written...

Discovery of high-Chern-number and high-temperature Chern insulator states: to information highway

One of the most important issues in physical science and low-consumption electronics is how to realize multiple dissipationless edge channels (high Chern number) and increase the working temperature in Chern insulators. Scientists from China discovered high-Chern-number (C=2) and high-temperature (as high as 45 K) Chern insulator states in MnBi2Te4 devices, which can stimulate the exploration on...

Eavesdropping crickets drop from the sky to evade capture by bats

Researchers have uncovered the highly efficient strategy used by a group of crickets to distinguish the calls of predatory bats from the incessant noises of the nocturnal jungle. The findings, led by scientists at the universities of Bristol and Graz in Austria and published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, reveal the crickets eavesdrop on the vocalizations of bats to help...

New ECU research finds 'Dr. Google' is almost always wrong

Many people turn to 'Dr. Google' to self-diagnose their health symptoms and seek medical advice, but online symptom checkers are only accurate about a third of the time, according to new Edith Cowan University (ECU) research published in the Medical Journal of Australia today.