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61 articles from ScienceDaily

A seedy slice of history: Watermelons actually came from northeast Africa

Using DNA from greenhouse-grown plants representing all species and hundreds of varieties of watermelon, scientists discovered that watermelons most likely came from wild crop progenitors in northeast Africa. The study corrects a 90-year-old mistake that had previously tied watermelons to South Africa. The genetic research is consistent with newly interpreted Egyptian tomb paintings that suggest...

How do clownfish earn their stripes?

Clownfish are instantly recognizable by their white stripes, which appear as they mature from larvae into adults. But how these distinctive patterns form has long remained a mystery. Now, a new study has found that the speed at which these white bars form depends on the species of sea anemone in which the clownfish live. The scientists also discovered that thyroid hormones, which play a key role...

Milky Way not unusual, astronomers find

The first detailed cross-section of a galaxy broadly similar to the Milky Way reveals that our galaxy evolved gradually, instead of being the result of a violent mash-up. The finding throws the origin story of our home into doubt.

Greenland glacial meltwaters rich in mercury

New research shows that concentrations of the toxic element mercury in rivers and fjords connected to the Greenland Ice Sheet are comparable to rivers in industrial China, an unexpected finding that is raising questions about the effects of glacial melting in an area that is a major exporter of seafood. 

How tendons become stiffer and stronger

Researchers deciphered the cellular mechanisms through which tendons can adapt to mechanical stresses. People who carry a certain variant of a gene that is key to this mechanism show improved jumping performance.

Infertility poses major threat to biodiversity during climate change, study warns

A new study by ecologists warns that heat-induced male infertility will see some species succumb to the effects of climate change earlier than thought. Currently, scientists are trying to predict where species will be lost due to climate change so they can plan effective conservation strategies. However, research on temperature tolerance has generally focused on the temperatures that are lethal to...

Bile acids trigger satiety in the brain

Scientists have discovered a new role for bile acids: they curb appetite by entering the brain. Their findings provide new insights into the signals and mechanisms by which satiety is controlled and may have implications for treating obesity.

Fluorescent light clarifies relationship between heat stress and crop yield

Scientists report that it is possible to detect and predict heat damage in crops by measuring the fluorescent light signature of plant leaves experiencing heat stress. If collected via satellite, this fluorescent signal could support widespread monitoring of growth and crop yield under the heat stress of climate change, the researchers say.

Evacuating under dire wildfire scenarios

As climate change intensifies, wildfires in the West are behaving in ways that were unimaginable in the past -- and the common disaster response approaches are woefully unprepared for this new reality. Researchers now proposed a framework for simulating dire scenarios, which the authors define as scenarios where there is less time to evacuate an area than is required.

New study shines light on hazards of Earth's largest volcano

Scientists analyzed ground movements measured by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) satellite data and GPS stations to precisely model where magma intruded and how magma influx changed over time, as well as where faults under the flanks moved without generating significant earthquakes.