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53 articles from ScienceDaily

Culture drives human evolution more than genetics

Researchers found that culture helps humans adapt to their environment and overcome challenges better and faster than genetics. Tim Waring and Zach Wood found that humans are experiencing a 'special evolutionary transition' in which the importance of culture is surpassing the value of genes as the primary driver of human evolution. Due to the group-orientated nature of culture, they also concluded...

Lighting hydrogels via nanomaterials

Hydrogels are commonly used inside the body to help in tissue regeneration and drug delivery. However, once inside, they can be challenging to control for optimal use. A team of researchers is developing a new way to manipulate the gel -- by using light.

Machine learning platform mines nature for new drugs

Researchers have developed a new process using machine learning algorithms to match the signals of a microbe's metabolites with its genomic signals and identify which likely correspond to a natural product. Knowing that, researchers are better equipped to isolate the natural product to begin developing it for a possible drug and possibly reinvigorate the search for natural product drugs.

Scientist identifies signaling underlying regeneration

The mystery of why salamanders can regenerate a lost limb, but adult mammals cannot has fascinated observers for thousands of years. Now, a team of scientists has come a step closer to unraveling that mystery with the discovery of differences in molecular signaling that promote regeneration in the axolotl, a highly regenerative salamander, while blocking it in the adult mouse.

Dead zones formed repeatedly in North Pacific during warm climates

An analysis of sediment cores from the Bering Sea has revealed a recurring relationship between warmer climates and abrupt episodes of low-oxygen 'dead zones' in the subarctic North Pacific Ocean over the past 1.2 million years. The findings provide crucial information for understanding the causes of low oxygen or 'hypoxia' in the North Pacific and for predicting the occurrence of hypoxic...

New study may help explain low oxygen levels in COVID-19 patients

A new study sheds light on why many COVID-19 patients, even those not in hospital, are suffering from hypoxia -- a potentially dangerous condition in which there is decreased oxygenation in the body's tissues. The study also shows why the anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone has been an effective treatment.

A new dimension in the quest to understand dark matter

As its name suggests, dark matter -- material which makes up about 85% of the mass in the universe -- emits no light, eluding easy detection. Its properties, too, remain fairly obscure. Now, a theoretical particle physicist have shown how theories positing the existence a new type of force could help explain dark matter's properties.

Shadow figment technology foils cyberattacks

Scientists have created a cybersecurity technology called Shadow Figment that is designed to lure hackers into an artificial world, then stop them from doing damage by feeding them illusory tidbits of success. The aim is to sequester bad actors by captivating them with an attractive -- but imaginary -- world. The technology is aimed at protecting physical targets -- infrastructure such as...

Spiders can sniff out and avoid killer ants

Spiders avoid building webs near European fire ants, their natural predators, by sensing the chemicals they give off in the environment, researchers have found. The findings give us a peek inside the enduring struggle between spiders and ants, and could lead to the development of natural repellents for homeowners worried about unwanted eight-legged guests.

Changing the shape of soft matter using logic circuits made from DNA

The myriad processes occurring in biological cells may seem unbelievably complex at first glance. And yet, in principle, they are merely a logical succession of events, and could even be used to form digital circuits. Researchers have now developed a molecular switching circuit made of DNA, which can be used to mechanically alter gels, depending on the pH. DNA-based switching circuits could have...

The best strawberries to grow in hot locations

It's strawberry season in many parts of the U.S, and supermarkets are teeming with these fresh heart-shaped treats. Although the bright red, juicy fruit can grow almost anywhere with lots of sunlight, production in some hot, dry regions is a challenge. Now, researchers have identified five cultivars that are best suited for this climate, which could help farmers and consumers get the most...

Gut to brain: Nerve cells detect what we eat

Nerve cells of the vagus nerve fulfill opposing tasks. The gut and the brain communicate with each other in order to adapt satiety and blood sugar levels during food consumption. The vagus nerve is an important communicator between these two organs. Researchers now took a closer look at the functions of the different nerve cells in the control center of the vagus nerve, and discovered something...