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14 articles from ScienceDaily

Who benefits from brain training and why?

If you are skilled at playing puzzles on your smartphone or tablet, what does it say about how fast you learn new puzzles, or, more broadly, how well you can focus, say, in school or at work? Or, in the language of psychologists, does 'near transfer' predict 'far transfer'? A team of psychologists has found that people who show near transfer are more likely to show far transfer.

Fifth of global food-related emissions due to transport

Food transport constitutes 19 percent of food emissions, equivalent to 6 percent of emissions from all sources. High-income countries are responsible for nearly half of these emissions, leading researchers to conclude that among the rich, eating locally should be prioritised.

Scientists develop antimicrobial, plant-based food wrap designed to replace plastic

Aiming to produce environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic food wrap and containers, a scientist has developed a biodegradable, plant-based coating that can be sprayed on foods, guarding against pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms and transportation damage. The scalable process could potentially reduce the adverse environmental impact of plastic food packaging as well as protect human...

Scientists conceptualize a species 'stock market' to put a price tag on actions posing risks to biodiversity

Species have intrinsic value, but also provide ecosystem services of major economic value, for example, bees that pollinate our crops. However, as such values are hard to translate into figures, currently, they remain easy to dismiss altogether. In a new study, a research team conceptualizes a species stock market for unified valuation of all species. By using digitized information from museums,...

New effective combination therapy for pediatric T-acute leukemia

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common cancer affecting children. The T-ALL form of leukemia that emerges from early T lineage cells has a poorer prognosis than B-lineage ALL. The prognosis for relapsed T-ALL is very poor and new therapies are sorely needed. Medical researchers have discovered a new combination of drugs that is effective against T-ALL.

Assessing the environmental impact of nuclear power generation

A growing concern for climate change and sustainable use of natural resources has led to the adoption of alternative forms of energy. Nuclear power is considered a panacea for the environmental degradation caused by fossil fuels. However, its environmental impact and natural resource use need to be assessed. Now, researchers have addressed this issue, revealing interesting findings in their...