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2 articles from ScienceNOW

Booming trade in mammoth ivory may be bad news for elephants

TORONTO— In 2015, Andy Huynh was accompanying wildlife guards in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve to help ward off poachers. Fresh off a decade of service in the Middle East with U.S. Special Operations Forces, he thought there was little that could faze him. But when he saw his first poached rhinoceros, with half of its face sawed away for the horn, he turned and...

How racism skewed estimates of heart disease in women

Growing up as a multiracial person in the United States, Alexis Reeves was no stranger to the impact of racial discrimination. She spent summer vacations with her father’s family in Pennsylvania, where her Black grandfather had worked as a sharecropper. Nearly everyone on that side of her family had high blood pressure, took cholesterol medication, or had experienced some form of heart...