225 articles from THURSDAY 25.5.2023

New skyrmion transistors propel quantum and AI research

In an era marked by an escalating energy crisis, the world stands on the precipice of a transformative revolution in spintronics technology, promising ultra-low power consumption paired with superior performance. To illustrate the potential, consider this: the power consumed by AlphaGo during its famous Go game in 2016 equaled the daily power use of 100 households. By 2021, Tesla's autonomous...

Advanced imaging of root chemicals offers new insights on plant growth

On a sunny springtime stroll through a park, it's easy to ignore the parts of plants that are hidden from view. Plant biologists see things differently. They look below the surface where plant roots are organized in elaborate systems that are critical to the organism's development. Intricately organized tree root systems, for example, can span as far underground as the tree grows high above the...

Artificial muscle fibers could serve as cell scaffolds

In two new studies, North Carolina State University researchers have designed and tested a series of textile fibers that can change shape and generate force like a muscle. In the first study, published in Actuators, the researchers focused on the materials' influence on artificial muscles' strength and contraction length. The findings could help researchers tailor the fibers for different...