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5 articles from Yahoo!

Is This the First Fossil of an Embryo?

A creature called Caveasphaera lived in China 609 million years ago, and it left behind fossils that resemble tiny grains of sand. But as innocuous as those fossils appear, they may speak volumes about our own evolutionary history.Under a microscope, the fossils turn out to be clusters of hundreds or thousands of cells. Were they on their way to developing into adult bodies? On Wednesday, a team...

Amber containing dinosaur feathers also carried 99 million-year-old lice

Until now, the earliest known fossil louse dated back 44 million years, about 22 million years after the age of dinosaurs had ended. The way parasites evolve closely in step with their targets can reveal details about their hosts that are otherwise invisible in the fossil record. Based on comparisons with previously unearthed fossils, the plumes came from dinosaurs, not birds, and were likely...