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5 articles from EurekAlert

Not so robust: robusta coffee more sensitive to warming than previously thought

A new study of the plant that produces robusta coffee suggests its heat tolerance has been consistently overestimated. Worse yet, when temperatures just slightly cross this point, yields plummet. The findings suggest the multibillion-dollar coffee industry could be facing a much tougher future on even a slightly warmer planet. The study's findings contrast with current estimates, based on...

Profiling of lone terrorists is flawed

Terrorism has typically been considered an organised activity undertaken by networks of individuals who share a collective identity and purpose. However, in recent years, media, law enforcement and scholarly attention has increasingly focused on the construct of the lone terrorist - although Flinders University criminology expert Associate Professor David Bright argues that this approach may be...

What does the "love hormone" do? It's complicated

Much of what we know about the actions of neuromodulators like oxytocin comes from behavioral studies of lab animals in standard lab conditions. These conditions are strictly controlled and artificial, in part so that researchers can limit the number of variables affecting behavior. A number of recent studies suggest that the actions of a mouse in a semi-natural environment can teach us much more...

Which came first?

What did the very first proteins look like -- those that appeared on Earth around 3.7 billion years ago? Prof. Dan Tawfik of the Weizmann Institute of Science and Prof. Norman Metanis of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have reconstructed protein sequences that may well resemble those ancestors of modern proteins, and their research suggests a way that these primitive proteins could have...