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731 articles from ScienceDaily

Warmer climate may drive fungi to be more dangerous to our health

A new study finds that raised temperatures cause a pathogenic fungus known as Cryptococcus deneoformans to turn its adaptive responses into overdrive. Heat increases its number of genetic changes, some of which might presumably lead to higher heat resistance, and others perhaps toward greater disease-causing potential.

With rapidly increasing heat and drought, can plants adapt?

As deserts expanded their range over the past 5-7 million years, many plants invaded the new biome and rapidly diversified, producing amazing adaptations to drought and heat. Can plants continue to adapt to increasing aridity caused by climate change? A new study that addressed the origins of desert adaptation concluded that one group of desert plants, rock daisies, came preadapted to aridity,...

Biorefinery uses microbial fuel cell to upcycle resistant plant waste

Researchers have developed a sustainable, inexpensive two-step process that can upcycle organic carbon waste -- including lignin, a difficult-to-breakdown material that gives plants their structure. By processing waste through a microbe-driven biorefinery, the researchers turned lignin into carbon sources that could be used in high-value, plant-derived pharmaceuticals and antioxidant...

How to make hydrogels more injectable

A new computational framework can predict the structures, properties, and performance of granular hydrogels. The new model could one day make it easier to design the right gel for a particular biomedical application.

New vaccine targets life-threatening fungal infections, a growing health concern

A new vaccine could be the first clinically approved immunization to protect against invasive fungal infections, a growing concern as antifungal drug resistance increases. Fungal infections cause more than 1.5 million deaths worldwide each year and cost billions. They also double hospitalization costs, double the length of hospital stays and double the risk of death in hospitalized patients,...

When bugs swipe left

A single protein called Gr8a is expressed in different organs in male and female flies and appears to play an inhibitory role in mating decision-making. The findings point to one of the ways that flies could put up behavioral barriers to protect against mating with the wrong kind of partner.

Migraine associated with increased risk for pregnancy complications

Women are disproportionately affected by migraine, especially during their reproductive years. However, the relationship between migraine and adverse pregnancy outcomes has not been well understood. A new study analyzed data from thousands of women from the Nurses' Health Study II to assess the relationship between migraine and pregnancy complications.

Can a computer teach babies to count?

A recent study of 81 babies between 14 and 19 months old found the same outcome: When these babies watched a video where they were shown pictures of toy cars and toy pigs and listened to someone count out loud prior to the toys being hidden in a box -- similar to an earlier study done in person -- the babies looked longer when the box was lifted and some of the objects disappeared. When there was...

Transforming the way cancer vaccines are designed and made

A new way to significantly increase the potency of almost any vaccine has been developed. The scientists used chemistry and nanotechnology to change the structural location of adjuvants and antigens on and within a nanoscale vaccine, greatly increasing vaccine performance in seven different types of cancer. The architecture is critical to vaccine effectiveness, the study shows.

Moderate and intense physical activity favors good sleep

Proper sleep is critical for the maintenance of good health, and vice versa -- a healthy lifestyle has been found to improve sleep quality. To better examine the relationship between physical activity and sleep, a team of researchers conducted a comprehensive study among middle-aged Japanese people. By outlining the factors improving sleep quality, this line of research can hopefully help in...

Tuning into brainwave rhythms speeds up learning in adults, study finds

First study to show that delivering information at the natural tempo of our neural pulses accelerates our ability to learn. Participants who got a simple 1.5-second visual cue at their personal brainwave frequency were at least three times faster when it came to improving at a cognitive task. When researchers tested participants again the next day, those who had improved faster were still just as...

An action plan to prevent Alzheimer's disease

Memory loss, behavioural changes, cognitive deficits: Alzheimer's disease leads to a dramatic loss of autonomy for those affected and has a heavy impact on health costs. Its prevention has become a real social challenge. An international task force is setting out guidelines for innovative services to prevent Alzheimer's disease. These will soon be an integral part of second generation memory...