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29 articles from ScienceDaily

Age vs. genetics: Which is more important for determining how we age?

Our genetics, the environment and our age all play important roles in our health, but which of these is the most important? A new study suggests that in many cases, age plays a more important role than genetics in determining which genes in our bodies are turned on or off, influencing our susceptibility to disease.

Novel navigation strategies for microscopic swimmers

Autonomous optimal navigation of microswimmers is in fact possible, as researchers have recently shown. In contrast to the targeted navigation of boats, the motion of swimmers at the microscale is strongly disturbed by fluctuations. The researchers now described a navigation strategy for microswimmers that does not need an external interpreter. Their findings may contribute to the understanding of...

How the mother's mood influences her baby's ability to speak

Communicating with babies in infant-directed-speech is considered an essential prerequisite for successful language development of the little ones. Researchers have now investigated how the mood of mothers in the postpartum period affects their child's development. They found that even children whose mothers suffer from mild depressive mood that do not yet require medical treatment show early...

Optical foundations illuminated by quantum light

Despite being considered well established, the physics of optical waves have some fundamental aspects, which are still under debate. One of these effects, the anomalous behavior of focused light fields, has now been investigated in a new light, a quantum light. Researchers have shown that quantum light with a well-defined photon number behaves differently to standard focused laser beams. This...

Microbial enzymes are the key to pectin digestion in leaf beetles

A research team shows in a new study how leaf beetles could successfully use new and previously indigestible food sources in the course of evolution. The insects acquired enzymes from microorganisms via horizontal gene transfer that enabled them to degrade pectins, solid components of the plant cell wall. Since the degradation products resulting from pectin digestion are not per se crucial for the...

New field of research: Crystal traces in fossil leaves

In fossil leaves, puzzling structures are often visible under the microscope. Researchers have now been able to show for the first time that they originate from calcium oxalate crystals. On the one hand, their discovery facilitates the identification of the ancient plant remains. But it also provides answers as to how the ability to form such crystals arose and what function they presumably...

3D map reveals DNA organization within human retina cells

Researchers mapped the organization of human retinal cell chromatin, the fibers that package 3 billion nucleotide-long DNA molecules into compact structures that fit into chromosomes within each cell's nucleus. The resulting comprehensive gene regulatory network provides insights into regulation of gene expression in general, and in retinal function, in both rare and common eye diseases.

Green hydrogen: Faster progress with modern X-ray sources

In order to produce green hydrogen, water can be split up via electrocatalysis, powered by renewable sources such as sun or wind. A review article shows how modern X-ray sources such as BESSY II can advance the development of suitable electrocatalysts. In particular, X-ray absorption spectroscopy can be used to determine the active states of catalytically active materials for the oxygen evolution...

Daylight hours impact opioid receptor levels in brown fat

Researchers have observed that the length of daylight hours impacts opioid receptor levels in brown fat. When daylight hours shorten, the receptor activity levels elevate. A similar phenomenon also takes place in the brain. Both phenomena help people and animals in the adaptation to seasonal changes.

The Secret of Swing: Downbeat delays

Jazz must swing -- jazz musicians agree on that. However, even 100 years after the beginnings of jazz, it is still unclear what exactly constitutes the swing feel. With a sophisticated experiment and data analyses on more than 450 well-known jazz solos, physicists together with psychologists have unraveled a secret of swing. They were able to demonstrate that certain systematic deviations in...

Can cats and coyote co-exist?

As urban environments continue to encroach on natural habitats, instances of human-wildlife conflict tend to increase. While some animals avoid human contact at all costs, other species thrive in urban habitats.

How cattle ranchers in Brazil cope with weather shocks

Agricultural producers around the world must adapt to changing weather patterns. Much research has focused on mitigation strategies for crop production, but livestock producers face unique challenges. A new study looks at how cattle ranchers in Brazil respond to climate change in the Amazon. Previous research shows the dry season is increasing up to 0.6 days per year. This puts more stress on...

Cosmic rays used to track and visualize tropical cyclones offer new perspectives

High-energy muon particles created in the atmosphere have allowed researchers to explore the structures of storms in a way that traditional visualization techniques, such as satellite imaging, cannot. The detail offered by this new technique could aid researchers modeling storms and related weather effects. This could also lead to more accurate early warning systems.