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2 articles from ScienceNOW

Oldest British DNA reveals mass immigrations after last ice age

It’s a tale of two ancient British caves: In Cheddar Gorge, just outside of Bristol, England, reindeer hunters etched designs onto human bones and drank out of carved human skulls about 15,000 years ago. A few hundred kilometers to the north, people living just a few hundred years later lived on freshwater fish and marine animals, laying their dead to rest in a cavern with decorated...

Cats react to ‘baby talk’—but only from their owners

“Whooo’s a good boy?” “Whooo’s a pretty kitty?” When it comes to communicating with our pets, most of us can’t help but talk to them like babies. We pitch our voices high, extend our vowels, and ask short, repetitive questions. Dogs seem to like this. They’re far more likely to pay attention to us when we use this “caregiver speech,” research has shown. Now,...